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Smart Passenger; Understanding Public Transport Passenger touch points


We are proud to release our white paper "Smart Passenger". For a long time we have wondered how passengers actually interface with transport and how this impacts on the journey, what is the model of decision making, and as a business how can we help others fulfill these need. As such RASIC Ltd are proud to release our thinking on how to understand passenger decision making.

The thinking and logic this white paper has given us has been essential for us in developing our understanding of how and what is needed to offer mass personalisation if our mass transit systems. We are applying this thinking to our consultancy customers to assist them develop best in class propositions.

Marcus Mayers Managing director Rail and station innovation company (rasic)

Our work has been carried out in conjunction with our partners Manchester Metropolitan Business School whom we have worked with our the past five years to create a space and opportunity to think about transport and railways differently, with the common goal of understanding an improving the journey for everyday travellers.

We are proud of our innovation and thought leadership in public transport. This white paper and our partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University allow us to maintain and grow this position

David Toolan


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