What do passengers need to know – and when – to enjoy every rail journey, rather than endure it? And how can that information improve operational efficiency and improve strategic decision-making? We have the answers – and we can deliver the solutions.
The Rail & Station Innovation Company is a London-based ideas production house which seeks to improve the rail and mobility travel experience. We are international – we understand the different issues affecting railway journeys around the world, we have an intelligent and experienced team who put the customer – and their impact on operations – at the centre of our problem-solving, but we have a keen eye on commercial viability too. decision-making? We have the answers – and we can deliver the solutions.
The organisation has designed and implemented delivery strategies that offer controlled, progressive improvements to the existing rail environment. RASIC currently has over 25 live innovation projects in the UK and across Latin America, with more in their infancy. RASIC specialises in using technology to improve the rail industry through validation-of-use cases, production of the value proposition / business cases, introductions to customers and ongoing subject matter expertise.
With a wealth of team experience from Customer Service to CEO negotiation level, our propositions deliver, enhance and are cost-effective. Please get in touch to find out more about how we work and the projects we’re currently working on.
As well as developing technology, RASIC strives to deliver step changes repeatedly and consistently to the transport sector through integrating the best available technologies to meet the specific needs of the customer from better end-user experiences, cost savings, new revenue sources, and other forms of new value. Our advisory services can help customers:
Environmental Monitoring - Operational Planning
Resource Allocation - Sustainability - Revenue Forecasting